I figured I'd come on here and explain a few plans we have. Before we start, let's talk about what a plan actually is.
Google says a plan is - "a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something."
Personally, I don't like that. Thankfully for us, Google has 2 definitions :)
Google also says a plan is "an intention or decision about what one is going to do"
That's more like it!
In the game development world, plans are something that you can't trust. In many cases, the plan you have for your game when you start a project can be very different from what actually ends up happening.
So, why do we still make plans? Plans are important. Even if the project ends up being different from what you originally planned. But on the other hand, plans can end up being something that makes the project never happen. You have to find a happy medium.
If you're baking a cake, you have a recipe. The recipe explains what ingredients you need, how much of them, and what to do with them. On the other hand, a recipe doesn't explain how to get the milk from the fridge, or how to carefully measure ingredients. Also, a skilled baker will sometimes stray away from the recipe a little bit, and add his own personal touches he likes to the cake. That's what your "Game Plan" should be.
If you're serious about a project, and you want your creativity to shine through, your plan needs to firm enough, so that you have some guidelines to stick to. But it also needs to be loose enough, so that your not restricted to a bunch of rules and elements that you might want to change down the line.
(P.S. These are all personal opinions. A lot of people love sticking to strict plans so that they won't get lost, and other love messing around and trying out new stuff. I personally like it somewhere in the middle. Like I said, these are just my opinions. They might not work for you.)
So, now that we've gone over what my idea of a plan is, let's talk about what our plan is.
You may think a plan is something that just involves the creation of your game. Once it's published, in some cases, you need to make a whole new plan. So our game "Oncoming Traffic" is published. It's on store, and anyone can download it. But there is still work to be done. Our personal plan is a really broad one. But for where we are, and what we are doing, that's a good thing.
Our basic plan, is to release updates until we hit the big 1.0. Once we hit that, we plan on releasing to a few other platforms. After that, we plan to move away from making mobile games, and move into the PC zone. Remember - a plan is - "an intention or decision about what one is going to do" So this is our INTENTION. It's very possible that what we do will differ from our current plan.
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